Our Mission
and Goals

Do you want actual honest and real reviews of all sorts of games, that aren’t done by a ‘ game ‘ Journalist, well look no further. I play all sorts of games and will be posting reviews of them here. I aim to have posts out every 2 weeks.

I will also be posting about any events I attend, writing about what I thought, and any interviews I do during those events will be posted as well.

In the future, I may seek more people to create reviews and events from around the world. Who knows what will happen? If that time does come, I will most likely put up a form or a call for people but know that this would all be unpaid as I do not plan on making money from this endeavour so everything is volunteer basis.

P.S. The website will be updated over time i.e. with how it all looks and the styles and themes, as this is just a side project/hobby for me.

Suggestions or Feedback
All Suggestions and Feedback are welcome!

Please feel free to put in any information you like. The only thing I need is the Subject and Message. However, if you require a reply you will need to put in your email so we can reply back.

Also suggestions of games to review would be greatly appreciated, as there is only so many games I am able to be aware of or notice.

Website to be updated over time. More information in About section.